Darkfall Beta Leak, Videos

I have posted three videos on YouTube today. You can view the first one here.


Unknown said...

Hey, I don't know where else to post, but do you think you can make a video of climbing a tree? If it's in the game. I noticed in your other videos that other player went up the tree a little bit. If you could make a video of this that would be great.

Adam said...

As far as I know there is no climbing skill in the game. You can go up very steep grades though. A hill or mountain has to be almost 90 degrees before you can't move up it any longer.

Unknown said...

Then in that case. Do you think you could just show some different stuff you can craft, and maybe a little more magic? I might be asking to much, but, can you show some ninja status maybe? :D

Adam said...

If you really want it I can show the starting crafting recipes (I am not a crafter). My next video will be using magic, but it probably won't be up until the 19th or 20th. I'm going out of town until then.

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